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PADS Nursery Pack


We believe that at preschool age, children see each other just as children, and that nurseries/preschool settings already teach discreetly around differences. However, we want to provide families with resources to educate and enlighten the practitioners who work with our children and have put together packs specifically for this purpose.

These include some of our own publications, leaflets, posters and information for you to share with your preschool setting.

  • PADS best practice guidelines for preschool settings.
  • Choosing a nursery document.
  • A5 information leaflets that can be displayed in a reception area, and/or sent home to parents. These state what we want other parents to know, who are perhaps afraid or feel awkward to ask – tackling the elephant in the room head on!
  • Best practice guidelines for professionals on toilet training children with Down syndrome.
  • PANTS4School training programme document.
  • PANTS4School toilet training top tips.
  • This is me – a laminated A4 sheet in which you can complete info about your child on one side, the reverse has Top Tips.
  • Considerations – a document which sets out considerations which you may want to discuss with your preschool setting.
  • Dear Future Teacher – a heartfelt letter written by our very own Clare Fraser, tackling some more elephants head on!

Packs are available with or without the following publications included.

  • This is Ella by Krista Ewert.
  • This is me! by George Webster.

We also include a couple of PADS posters and postcards for you to display at nursery, GP’s surgery, children’s centre etc and some information on how you can fundraise to help PADS continue its work.